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Article: Pear, onion and blue cheese quiche | Curry & Turmeric Carving Seasoning

Recette de Quiche aux poires, oignons, bleu et Curry & Curcuma

Pear, onion and blue cheese quiche | Curry & Turmeric Carving Seasoning

Recipe imagined by Arthur Huet, assistant of the Savant Food

For 4 people :

- 4 pears
- 1 onion
- 200 g of blue cheese 
- 3 eggs
- 25 cl of cream
- 20 cl of milk 
- 100 g of grated cheese
- 1 shortcrust pastry

    1. Spread the shortcrust pastry in a mold and pre-bake it for 10 min at 180°C.
    2. Peel the pears and the onion.
    3. Slice the onion and finely dice the pears.
    4. Mix the eggs, milk, cream and Gruyère in a bowl.
    5. Remove the shortcrust pastry from the oven once it has lightly browned.
    6. Dice the blue cheese.
    7. Arrange the pears, onions and cheese in the base of the pie.
    8. Pour your egg mixture into your pie shell.
    9. Leave to cook in the oven for 45 minutes at 180°C.
    10. Accompany your quiche with the Curry and turmeric sharpening pencil. 

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