OCNI au Foodex Japan / du 5 au 8 mars 2019
OCNI in Japan
Since September 2018, OCNI has been collaborating with At Melin in the distribution of Dressing Seasonings in Japan. From March 5 to 8, the Chez Melin team took part in the 44th edition of the Foodex in Tokyo. As a reminder, in Japan the Seasonings to cut are called "Kurédoré", a Japanese pun mixing "pencil" and "sauce".
What is Foodex?
Foodex is the largest trade show for food and wine in Asia, an unmissable event in our sector. In 2018 the show welcomed more than 70,000 visitors with 3,500 exhibitors.
Bilan du Foodex
Many interesting meetings with Japanese and international buyers... to be continued! During the Foodex Chez Melin and the "Kurédoré" appeared 3 times on Japanese television.
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